Guiding Clients Transformation: Navigating the Therapeutic Journey with Purpose and Commitment
Have you ever struggled to have clients commit to regular attendance? I see this as a common struggle with therapists. Often, in our nurturing, client centered way, we accidentally dissuade clients from making an ongoing commitment to their treatment.
Perhaps we mistake the goal to share decision making and treatment planning through collaboration for leaving the client to make all the decisions. If you have ever said, “Do you want to schedule another appointment? Or, just follow up when you are ready?”-then this might be the key to your struggle.
When clients seek out our services, they are looking for an expert, a professional opinion. They are looking for a guide to take them from problem to solution. To help them achieve transformation.
But, they don’t know how to find that destination without a roadmap 🗺 and a travel itinerary. If they knew how to get to their destination, they would plot their own course and travel there immediately.
So, are you showing up in your sessions as their expert travel planner, their guide?
Make sure you name the destination (s) and show the route to get there.
Explain why this route is an effective, efficient one.
Show them how wonderful the destination will be if they commit to the trip.
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